Thursday, January 20, 2011

What to Do, What to Wear....Winter Running is Here!

Are you hot or cold blooded?  I believe you should dress based how you adapt to the weather as you run. You should always layer up.   I am one of those people that always have cold feet, hands, and ears.  As I run, all my extremities heat up.  I prefer cold gear by Under Armour and dry fit loose fitting running tight by Nike,search,c-1+100701/pn-1/sl-dri%20FIT#l=shop,pdp,ctr-inline/cid-1/pid-364672/pgid-364674.  I also like to wear a cotton 'T' over my cold gear so as the cold gear wicks, I still am protected from the elements. 
Some other apparel to consider are running socks, head protection, gloves, and shoes.  I believe cold gear socks such as North Face*I7&GUID=a5f3302012d0a0aad5421fd2ff5f11dc&itemid=150417156588&ff4=263602_309572 are over-rated.  The material makes my feet sweat twice as much, then get cold during the run as air blows through the top of shoe.  I prefer thick cotton socks.  In terms of head protection, I use a balaclava by Spider  It serves two purposes.  For 15 degrees Fahrenheit (F) and below, I use it as advertised with a Nike dry fit Under Armour beanie.   For temps above 15 degrees F, I double up the neck piece of the balaclava and use it as a head band.  It works great and fits snugly over ears.  In terms of glove choice, I prefer cotton gloves by Adidas over the dry fit.  As with cold gear socks, dry fit gloves make my hand sweat and then run cold while running.  For shoes, I prefer a neutral, sturdy shoe such as Nike+ LunarGlide,search,searchList-lunarglide&ef_id=eWFNONCAAgAAwrw:20110121002353:s#l=shop,search,searchList-lunarglide or Brooks Ghost 3  This keeps your feet from getting injured on those hard winter surfaces.  I hope this helps those that keep it going during those dark cold winter months.


  1. Hi! Found your blog through daily mile. I'm now following you. I love everything in the cold gear line by under armour. It's the best by far! Hope ill check out my blog too :)


  2. Thanks Meg O! I checked out your blog as well. Very creative and in depth thoughts! I'm kind of new at the creative thing, but hope to get into a groove. I like your story about the gloves and the fact that you keep it going in the hard core weather!

  3. Do you run on snowy or spotty icey surfaces? If so how do you adjust?

  4. I love running in snow on a trail when the snow is about an inch. Its like running with extra cushion. Obviously you have to be careful. Usually with a good pair of shoes, I don't slip too much. Once the trail gets worked over a bit and turns icy, then its not very fun. When its icy out, I usually run in the grass next to the trail.
